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St Andrew's Dean Court

The rebuilt St Andrew's opened on
10 September 2022, after seven years of planning and fund-raising.
We have taken the opportunity to provide a larger, more flexible space which is being used for the community as well as for the church. Attention has been given to environmental issues; the new building has air-source heat pumps, solar panels and a high standard of insulation. There is now a fully equipped kitchen.
The old building (now demolished) was used right through the week for a variety of local groups, classes and individual activities. We are glad that this is continuing; we have a vision for expanding what's on offer, including giving support for families in need. A weekly café (The Coffee Pot) and Toddlers Group are now well established.
Our community is growing with new houses being built. We want to support the practical as well as the spiritual needs of the community, complementing the Dean Court Community Centre, by providing space for local events.
But the church is not a building; it is a community of people who serve God through his Son Jesus Christ, and we pray that the new building will be a tool to help us.
THANK YOU to all who prayed, and gave, and supported us!

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